Lentil soup with spices (serves 4-6) (recipe taken from “Soupes maison” by Émilie Franzo) 400 g coral lentils 1 “finger” of ginger and 1 c. tablespoons fresh coriander, finely chopped
Did you know? Internet searches generate $200 billion in revenue every year… Karma, a French search engine that donates 50% of its sales to associations committed to protecting nature, while
BioGaia 2024 campaign Hello everyone! We are pleased and honored to announce the launch of our online campaign on HelloAsso! Full details are available here: h ttps://www.helloasso.com/associations/aladas-association-les-amis-des-abeilles-sauvages/collectes/campagne-2024-biogaia Building on your
"L'ESPACE BIOGAIA", in reference to the Earth, is in full mutation thanks to the tenacity of many people who devote a little of their time and sustained efforts to it.